Sunday, March 11, 2018

What about the rest of you?

Could be. We live in an age of too much information. Too much news. Too many slants. People are confused. They are bombarded all day, and into the night. By opinions of the pundits on political, economic and social issues. No one has time to absorb it all. And to differentiate between truth and fiction. Little wonder. That most people don’t even bother to vote anymore. They stay at home. Haven’t yet made up their minds. And if they have, it’s often based on impressions. Formed in large part by coyly-worded manipulative sound bites. I see it. Every day. Among the people I know. Take my neighborhood, for instance. Mostly working people. With families. If they have any spare time. It’s for recreational pursuits. And if they have a loved one saddled with dementia – well, forget it. They don’t have time to emerge from the darkness. For a peek at the sunshine. Or anything else happening. Beyond their little niche. In a turbulent and often uncaring world. That’s the way I saw it. In my 13 years as a care-giver. I was lost. But hey, I’ve found my way out.  Alive and active and in love with life. What about the rest of you? --Jim Broede

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