Tuesday, April 3, 2018

A blessing. For sideline observers.

I was born. Despite the astronomical odds against it. An incredible amount of misfortune had to occur. To clear the way. I wouldn’t be. If my maternal grandmother hadn’t died (at age 26) of a mysterious bone disease.  Also, it was necessary for my maternal grandfather to die at a young age. Thereby leaving my mother. A lonely orphan. Prompting her. For survival sake. To enter a marriage of convenience. With my father.  A man she didn’t love. Lucky for me, though. Otherwise, I would never have been born. Meanwhile, the marriage didn’t last. Dad committed suicide. Another blessing, of sorts. For dear mother. She went on to a second marriage, and the happiest years of her life. Interesting, isn’t it? How human tragedy. Can be a blessing. From the perspective of sideline observers. --Jim Broede

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