Saturday, May 19, 2018

Designed for me.

Don’t know if I have a favorite philosopher. But Friedrich Nietzsche ranks high on my list. I would have loved to know him. As a friend and confidante. Meanwhile, I’ll try to do the next best thing. Imagine conversations with Nietzsche. About any and everything. For instance, he would have me think about the concept of eternal recurrence. That we are destined to live the exact same life. Over and over again. For eternity. For some, that could be hell. That is, for those who hate their lives. But I’m relatively happy.  I could fathom doing it all over again. In the same way. The same manner. Absolutely no changes. Though I wouldn’t mind  a few alterations. Just to come a bit closer to my version of perfection. Nietzsche says that makes me one of his disciples. More or less. Living the way I should be living. A well-tailored happy life. Yes. Yes. Designed for the one and only me. --Jim Broede

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