Thursday, May 3, 2018

How to live confidently.

I try to be confident. Without being arrogant. But even if I’ve achieved such a goal. I’ll never get credit for it. Because the nature of confidence. Is such. That it’s easily misconstrued.  As a form of narcissism.  And as far as I know. Maybe it is. But that ain’t necessarily bad. If that makes me a better and more confident person. I look around. And spot people lacking confidence. In themselves. I often encourage them. To become a little bit narcissist  Yes, that poses a risk. Of being taken for an over-confident rascal. But the rewards are immense. In terms of building a reasonable amount of self-confidence.  Interesting, isn’t it? How good traits. Can easily be taken for bad traits. Yes, life can be very, very confusing. But still. I find ways to get through the challenges. And live. Confidently. --Jim Broede

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