Thursday, June 14, 2018

Free. To be ourselves.

One thing. I like about my blog. I can be me. The ever-changing me of the moment. Everyone should write a blog. In which they are allowed. To be themselves. No censorship. Think about it. The therapeutic value. Of speaking one’s own truth. Even if it’s fantastical. Everything goes. If I did this elsewhere. On message boards, for instance. I would be compelled to follow bureaucratic guidelines. To hell with those guidelines. With rules. Though I do impose rules. My own rules. Sensible. And otherwise. Gets me to know who I am. To speak. Without the dread of hurting anyone. Yes. Yes. I am not hurtful. Instead. Others are hurtful upon themselves. They are miserable masochists. Choosing to hurt themselves. For the pleasure they get. From physical and emotional pain. Yes. Yes.  it sounds sick. Yes. Yes. I dare say it. Right here. In my blog. Doesn’t matter. Whether you like it or not.  Take issue with me. If you want. Doesn’t really matter. In my fantasy world. Where we all have the opportunity. To be free. To be ourselves. -Jim Broede

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