Monday, June 4, 2018

Only the addicted fault-finders.

My gripe. Is with people who spend their lives. In fault-finding of other people. In all but themselves. Those are the people I focus on. That I criticize. Almost exclusively. They are my targets. Yes. I am exercising my inalienable right. To find fault with the fault-finders. I let most other people get off scot free. Funny, isn’t it?  Almost ironic. Here I am. Finding fault. But please note. It’s aimed at a specialized group. Of fault-finders. I’m trying to give them a taste of their own medicine. Really. I’m not a chronic fault-finder. I generally don’t find fault with the mass of humanity.  Only the addicted fault-finders. Who act as if they have no faults of their own. I expect to hear from them. Soon. --Jim Broede

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