Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Wishing isn't good enough.

I believe. That some people, including a friend or two, should be forced into psychotherapy. No doubt about it. They are mentally ill. Incapacitated to a high degree. But they still muddle through. For a while. Without help. They are what’s commonly called manic depressives. People with wide ranging mood swings. Our health care system doesn’t always step in. Claiming that some have a right to refuse treatment. That they aren’t quite sick enough to be ‘put away.’ In an institution. That’s a pity. Really, should be a crime. Once upon a time, it was my helpless sister. A wonder that she survived. And is still living. In her late 70s. Having miraculously recovered. On her own. That’s what it took. A miracle. For so very many others. There are no miracles. They succumb. Intentionally and unintentionally. Sad stories, indeed. I could weep. But don’t. I am stoic. Knowing that life can be unfair. Society has no inclination or the means to fix everything. Wish it weren’t so. But wishing isn’t good enough.  --Jim Broede

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