Saturday, September 29, 2018

The most pathetic kind of liar.

I believe Christine Blasey Ford. I don’t believe Brett Kavanaugh. It’s that simple. I believe some people. And don’t believe others. The world is full of liars. Nobody is truthful all the time. But still, I divide the world into basically truthful souls. Nice people. Kind people. Versus people who have no qualms about lying their way through life.  In order to get ahead.  Economically. Socially. Politically.  Maybe it’s that they’re following a survival instinct. In a perceived hostile world. They know how to climb the ladders. They have become expert at it. Even if it means telling blatant and mean-spirited lies. At the expense of others.  They are out to put themselves first and foremost. Even if it means lying to themselves. Yes. That’s the most pathetic kind of liar. --Jim Broede

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