Wednesday, November 28, 2018

All things are possible.

The most astounding thing I’ve ever experienced. Is me. I’m persuaded about that. Beyond a doubt. The fact. That I’m here. On Planet Earth. Alive and conscious. Along with billions of other beings. It’s fantastic. Almost unbelievable.  I keep asking myself. How can this be? I never dreamt it could happen. Until it happened. Started becoming aware of my existence. Some 80 years ago. Maybe all I’m catching. Is a brief glimpse of precious life. Maybe. When my time is up. I will become nothing once again. With no memory. Of having ever existed. Gone. Gone. Gone for good. Never to return.  Of course, as many of you know, I’d like to stick around.  Therefore, I imagine an afterlife. As a body-less, but fully conscious and functional spirit. Seems that’s as likely. As the astounding fact. That I even showed up in the first place.  It can’t be any more preposterous. Than me speculating. That all things are possible. --Jim Broede

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