Tuesday, November 13, 2018

On achieving balance.

I have a theory. No, no. Call it a belief. That the best care-givers have learned to build diversity into their lives. They don’t allow themselves to be totally consumed by care-giving. Even if they are 24/7 care-givers. They can still come to Musings. To write beautiful poetry. Or to become engaged. In all sorts of worldly topics. From the entertainment scene, to philosophy, to politics, to religion, to the latest local scuttlebutt. You name it. Anything that gives a sense that there's much more to life. Than care-giving.  Yes, yes.  A way to obtain relief and comfort. By setting aside. At least a few minutes. Or preferably an hour or two. Daily. To the sort of stuff. That I post here. Regularly. Intentionally. For therapeutic purposes. That’s what I did. When learning to become an effective care-giver.  And a more balanced, thriving human being. --Jim Broede

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