Monday, November 26, 2018

Our goal: Justice for us all.

I’m crazy as a loon. Nuts. I’m trying to convince my attorney of that. And maybe a judge and jury some day. That it’s all the fault of a traffic crash. In Yellowstone Park. Several years ago. And that I, and two of my passengers. Should be compensated. For the mental anguish. We have suffered. As a result of the accident. In which we all could easily have died. We have made claims of post traumatic syndrome. I have been writing fantastic  letters to our attorney. For over a year now. That should prove. Beyond a doubt. That I’ve gone bonkers. Now it’s up to the fantastic attorney. To take the ball. And run with it. Through a maize of insurance adjusters. And into court, if necessary. In order to obtain justice for us all. –jim Broede

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