Saturday, December 8, 2018

An attitudinal change.

Got a problem? And you’re in search of a solution. Well, I have one. Quit complaining. Enough. Enough. Of constant gripping. What you need. Is an attitudinal change. A different outlook on life. For you problem-plagued souls.  Quit blaming the world for your woes. Start taking the bull by the horns. And wrestle with it.  In musing ways. Sure, you can find help from others. But ultimately, you have to solve your own problem. There are multiple solutions.  But more often than not. It begins with an examination of one’s attitude. Some of you have lousy attitudes. That drag you down. That make you feel hopeless. Down in the dumps. When really, you could pick yourself up. By the bootstraps. You don’t want to hear this. But listen. You are much better off. Than many other hapless souls. So quit feeling sorry for yourself. It’s time to get on with life. I know. I know. That’s difficult. Seems impossible. But it isn’t. That’s the nature and glory of life. Look around the corner. You might find what you are looking for. A wonderful surprise. An attitudinal change.  --Jim Broede

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