Sunday, December 2, 2018

Going with the flow.

Is it possible? For one to think too much. To be obsessed with thought.  Or is it a good thing?  To be captivated by thought. To spend an entire day. Pondering. Reflecting. Musing. Whatever one chooses to call it. Having a constantly active mind. Might be a malady, too. An affliction. The opposite of dementia. One becomes overwhelmed by thought. Maybe it depends. On the nature of one’s thoughts. I theorize. That for the most part. My thoughts are far more therapeutic than crazy. It’s fun. Downright pleasurable. To mull over anything that comes to mind. To make something of it. To create. Some degree of significance. To a random thought.  I like to wrestle with thoughts. To milk them. To go with the flow. --Jim Broede

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