Sunday, December 2, 2018

In the afterlife.

Here’s the way I see the afterlife. Everyone gets a chance to sample it. Doesn’t matter. If one dies young or old. Think of it in terms of fairness. Life continues. In a different dimension. Regardless of age. The physical aspects of life become meaningless. They are no more. No money. No material possessions. Furthermore, one can’t commit violence. Impossible to murder a spirit. Or to go into a shooting war. Spiritual existence is an entirely different ball game. One is compelled to think. Spiritually. Maybe best of all. One is free of physical maladies and handicaps.  No more dementia or heart disease or cancer. I suspect. That we’ve been introduced to physical life. For a reason. For a purpose. So that we can contrast it with the spiritual. No more competing for the material elements of physical life. They’re gone. Vanished. Kaput. Spirit is the end all. The only thing worth possessing. In the afterlife.  --Jim Broede

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