Wednesday, December 5, 2018

On lasting forever.

Guess my goal. For the remainder of life. Is to stay low-key energized. In constant motion. Physically. Mentally. Emotionally. If I stop moving. I’m in trouble. I might be unable to start the engine again. Let’s face it. I have only a limited amount of ambition. Absolutely no desire to modernize. I more or less ignore new technology. Just too difficult to master.  I have an I-phone. But seldom use it. Might as well put it in mothballs. No qualms about doing things the old way. Tempted to scrap my computer.  And resuscitate an old typewriter from the scrap bin. Or just go and scribble. By longhand. Takes too much brain power. To stay up with the times. I stay up. Late into the night. Musing about easy stuff. No need to get rattled. Over the accusations. That I may be lazy. On my way to zombie-hood. Not true. I am merely proceeding at my own leisurely pace. So that I can last forever. --Jim Broede

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