Sunday, December 9, 2018

Savoring it all.

Funny.  How I take most criticism. As compliments. The other day. Someone meant it as a slam. When claiming I have three ‘enablers’ in our musing forum. I take it. That enablers. Are fans. Supporters. Maybe even friends. Hey. If I have three enabling friends. That’s wonderful. I know recluses that don’t have any. Furthermore. I’ve had two true loves. That’s spectacular. I know plenty of people. In fact, too many.  Who have lived and died.  Without experiencing true love.  Obviously. I’ve been blessed. With quality life. If there’s eternal recurrence. So be it. I’ll take it. So that I can live  my life over and over again. Sure, I’ll have to endure some sad and regretful moments. But wow!  Overall. I’ll have no reason to complain. Might even gain some fruitful insights. For one thing. I’d take more time. To muse. To reflect. To ponder. Yes,  savoring it all. --Jim Broede

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