Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Sharing our DNA with the gods.

Prometheus. My favorite Greek god. He was assigned the task of molding mankind. Out of clay. Indeed, a true creator.  Turns out, Prometheus fell in love with mankind. But the top god, Zeus, didn’t particularly like humans. They annoyed him. To the point, that he decided to take away fire from mankind. Lo and behold, Prometheus stepped in. Stole fire from the heavens and gave it back to the humans. That irked Zeus. He decided to punish the defiant Prometheus. By having him chained to a rock. Where an eagle would eat his liver every day. The liver regenerated every night. After all, Prometheus was immortal. Though he had to put up a big bird pecking away at his liver. The good news. Prometheus was freed from his agony. By the powerful demigod, Hercules. Wow! I like it. When the gods interact with each other. Even if it’s in a spiteful manner. Almost like humans. Hey. Maybe we share the same DNA. --Jim Broede

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