Saturday, December 29, 2018

Whimsical lies.

I subject myself. To all kinds of whimsical thoughts.  All in the name of ascertaining some semblance of truth. Yes. Could be. That I am much better off. By lying to myself. And actually believing my lies. I suspect.  That’s how most people get through life. By becoming proficient liars.  By embellishing the truth.  Face it. The truth can hurt. More often than not. But still, I persist. In telling the truth. When I’d be much better off. As a bold-faced liar. Maybe that’s why I dabble. In writing fiction. It’s considered creative. And respectable.  Entertaining, too. But still, I’m bothered. By thoughts that come out of nowhere. Utter fabrications. Commonly called whimsical lies. --Jim Broede

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