Thursday, December 13, 2018

Why I am a liberal.

Here’s what may be the philosophic difference. Between a liberal and a conservative. The conservative wants to know where he’s at. In any given moment. He wants a well-defined and orderly base. Especially, in political and religious matters. In life as a whole, too. That gives him a sense of security. Knowing. Knowing where he’s at. At all times. He doesn’t like to be on the move. A liberal, meanwhile, is in constant motion. And it’s not imperative. To know where he’s at. Because tomorrow. He’ll already have progressed. To another location in the universe. That doesn’t scare a liberal. Like it would a conservative. A liberal accepts the uncertainty of life.  Because life is evolving. We aren’t the same person we were  last week or last month or last year. Yes, it’s best to adjust. To a changing world. And to a changing self. Because of one’s life experiences. I gleaned all this. In large part. From my philosophic readings. With the greatest impact. Coming from the 20th Century Jewish philosopher Martin Buber. Are any of you acquainted with Buber? He was born in 1878. Died in 1965.  He’s worth reading. --Jim Broede

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