Saturday, January 26, 2019

An endless search. For purpose.

Why am I here? For so little time. Can’t even cram in a blink of an eye. That’s our lifetime. Here and gone.  So quickly. I’d like the opportunity. To stick around. Long enough to find the answers. To my philosophic questions. But that is not to be. I am destined. For a meaningless and absurd life. That’s all it is.  I need far more time. To grope for a clue. To grasp significance. Perhaps I’ll find the answers. If permitted to live outside of time. To put my solitary life. Into a proper and rational perspective. Why was I born? Created, so to speak. To live in the space of time. For a glimpse of a living reality. At this given moment. To reflect. To muse. Before returning. To where I came from. Outside of time. Outside of space. Seems to make sense.  A constant trip. Back and forth. Inside and outside. Of time.  I am to stay in constant motion. Forever.  Another perplexing thought. Meant to drive me crazy. In an endless search. For purpose. --Jim Broede

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