Sunday, January 13, 2019

Let's not be judgmental.

I dare say. That my longtime (13-year) experience. As an Alzheimer’s care-giver.  Did me far more good than harm. But more important. Jeanne benefited, too. By leaps and bounds. Turns out. It was a real team effort. Jeanne played her part. I played mine.  Maybe I’m getting more out of it. Than Jeanne. I’m still reaping the rewards. Years later. Feeling good. That I did the right thing. Of course, I had no desire. To change places with Jeanne. I accepted my role.  Out of love. Jeanne had no choice in the matter. Like it or not. Her fate was sealed. I could have walked away. As some would-be care-givers do. Don’t get me wrong. I’m not blaming or castigating the walk-aways. Some people aren’t suited for care-giving. They do everyone a favor. By recognizing it.  Care-giving isn’t easy. Drags some people down. They simply aren’t up to it. And that’s no shame. Happens all the time. That’s all I’m saying. Let’s not be judgmental. --Jim Broede

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