Friday, August 24, 2007

...and that gets under some people's skins.

Guess I’m not surprised that some folks don’t like me because I’m different. I’m a romantic idealist, a free-thinker, a liberal and a lover. And I’m a happy fella, to boot. That’s a rare combination these days. I tend to alienate the non-romantics. They call me a Pollyanna. Also, the fundamentalist Christians call me a heathen and say I’m headed for hell. The political conservatives consider me un-American. And depressed people say I’m too happy for my own good. Makes for a difficult time because I’m the polar opposite of so many, many people. Especially here in America. I’m a square peg in a round-hole. A misfit. But I’m proud of it. Proud to be me. I grew up thinking that I would always be welcome in America. And I am, to some extent. Especially if I keep my big mouth shut. But see, I’m a writer. And I’m outspoken. By nature. I hardly ever hesitate to speak my mind. For instance, I don’t like whiners. And I let ‘em know. I ask people, “Why are you whining?” And invariably, I tell them to get over it. That’s been a primary message in this blog. I keep telling folks who lament the suicide of a family member or close friend to get over it. After all, I did. I set the example. My father took his own life when I was 13, almost 60 years ago. When I proclaim that I’m over it and that dad is my hero despite the deed, that annoys some folks. They tell me that’s not the right and proper attitude. And my dear sweet Jeanne had Alzheimer’s, and after 13 years of living and coping with it the best we could, Jeanne died. That was devastating for me. But I got over it, and I started communing with Jeanne’s spirit. Yes, I can’t stand to be sad for long. I find it necessary to be in love all the time – with life. And so I exude good vibes and I’m upbeat and a positive thinker. I’m so very happy...and that gets under some people’s skins. –Jim Broede


Broede's Broodings said...

I've noticed that when I lament or cry or say I'm sad and unhappy -- well, I'm well received on the Alzheimer's message boards. It's when I'm happy and enthusiastic and acting like a Pollyanna that the welcome mat seems to be pulled out from under me. I've always thought that strange. But I'm learning that when you are in a crowd of depressed people, you're expected to act like one. Otherwise, you don't fit in. Never tell 'em, don't worry, be happy. You might get shot. --Jim Broede

Anonymous said...


pastiche said these words of wisdom..may I share them here..on your blog..

"I am not cut out to be a caregiver"

I have read statements this a few times recently..

I am impressed that some are able to make that statement..

not because i think you do not wouldn't be here..if you did not care..

I think (maybe it's hope) that by making such a statement..

it is the beginning.. of your being able to find a how you care..

maybe you have been measuring yourself..with the wrong yardstick..

and found yourself you feel as if you are not cut out to be a caregiver..

if you can only send a card..once a your loved one in a facility..while still maintaining..your sanity.. are being a good caregiver..

anything you do that is a positive and helpful to/for your loved more than they would have..if you were not in their all..

measure yourself..not against whatever ideal you once held..

but against realistically..what you..can do..

give yourself a break..there is no ideal caregiver..

there are just those..who care.

love Rosie