Wednesday, August 29, 2007

...pretending there ain't a problem.

Hey, there are some darn good Alzheimer care-givers out there. But some bad ones, too. That’s what I am saying. But some folks on the Alzheimer’s message boards are claiming that I think all care-givers are bad. Well, that’s far from the truth. But I think it’s important to acknowledge that some care-givers shouldn’t be care-givers. They are unsuited for the job. Maybe through no fault of their own. Some are just spread far too thin. They’ve become exhausted and depressed and overwhelmed. When that happens, they are potential dangers to themselves and their patients. Yes, folks, that’s all I’m saying. Not all care-givers are messing up. But some are. And it’s time to deal with the problem. By finding solutions. That's why I keep raising the issue. Why I encourage discussion. Sure, it’s nice to have empathy and sympathy for care-givers. For all care-givers. But at some point, we’ve got to do something about significant numbers of care-givers that may be doing harm. That’s better than keeping a blind eye and pretending there ain’t a problem. –Jim Broede

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