Thursday, August 30, 2007

Why we learned to love. Unconditionally.

I tend to draw the wrath of women. Rarely that of men. Makes me wonder if the way I think is a man versus woman thing. Maybe we have quite different perspectives on life. A natural divide. Oh, I like women. Very much so. But I like them because they are different. Delightfully different most times. I like the contrast. Maybe that’s why I fell in love with Jeanne. Not because of the similarities. But because of the differences. And the fact that we learned to accept the differences. In that sense, we brought balance into each other’s lives. I noticed that many women want to make me into something other than what I am. They want to turn me into a woman, of sorts. And I object to that. Jeanne didn’t want to remake me. She wanted to accept me. Just the way I am. And that’s how I treated Jeanne. I allowed Jeanne to be Jeanne. Yes, we let each other be ourselves. And to grow and love in our natural ways. Together. That’s why the relationship thrived. Why we learned to love. Unconditionally. –Jim Broede

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