Thursday, August 30, 2007

I promise to bring along all my craziness.

An anonymous contributor to broodings writes, "I am aware of at least one psychiatrist who is reading your rantings and will incorporate them in a case study of brain disorders. He said it is rare to have such a large collection of delusional thoughts and various forms of psychosis in written form. It isn't too late in life to get some help."

Dear Anonymous & psychiatrist:

That's why I sometimes sign myself as Crazy Jim. At least I know I'm crazy. Delightfully crazy. I want to be crazy. I don't want to be 'normal.' As for the psychiatrist, let it be known that he is invited to contact me directly. That way I can be analyzed up close, rather than from a distance. Most reputable psychiatrists would want to do that. I'm even available for an interview. In person. Face to face. And I promise to bring along all my craziness. --Jim Broede

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