Sunday, September 16, 2007

Bad care-giving is unacceptable, period.

I’m not buying the arguments of many of the people who come to the defense of bad care-givers. That they at least try. There’s no legitimate excuse. Bad care-givers have to be weeded out. Now. Because they are doing harm. To their patients. To themselves. But mostly, I’m concerned about the harm to patients. The patients deserve better. I think it’s a crime to allow overworked, over-stressed and depressed care-givers to remain on the job. It’s abuse. The majority of care-givers, even those that are 24/7, probably are doing a decent enough job. But I’m convinced that significant numbers of care-givers are abusive, unfit for roles as care-givers. Their patients would be better off under the care of professionals. Trained and certified professionals. And for us to tell these bad care-givers that they are doing a good job – well, that just doesn’t fly. Because they aren’t doing a good job. And quite possibly they are downright harmful to the patients. As a society, we shouldn’t tolerate it. It’s improper care. That’s where I want my focus to be. It’s even more important at the moment than finding a cure for Alzheimer’s. I want a cure as much as anyone. But while we are waiting for a cure, I don’t want care-givers to be allowed to do harm. That’s my primary mission. To focus attention on the shortcomings of some care-givers. Maybe the answer, in many instances, are private and public programs that give overburdened care-givers some relief. Some respite. Some sort of help. I don’t dispute that even some of the abusive care-givers mean well. But they’ve allowed themselves to get into untenable situations. And they do harm. And that’s gotta be recognized. And it’s gotta be stopped. The patient has to be put first and foremost. Bad care-giving is unacceptable, period. –Jim Broede


Anonymous said...

I got another question for ya Bubba.What is a goin on with that Wacko Jacko?

Is she nuts or what?

Ya know she says she is an addict on the message board and her husband thinks she spends to much time thar too.

She is mean angry woman Jim and she sends Her 83 year old mother to her room. I am wonderin what if she can't find her room then what?

Is she gona pull her hair like that one did? or was that Wacko that did that?

She said she got so mad "she blew" Now I say blew what? a gasket? or did she blow out what little common sense she had left? Or did that diver tick u light come out a hundred mi an hr and she spent the rest of the day on the pot? Or when she a blew did she just fart and let wind?

Some of these people who are just plain mean like Wacko and are the one's who give all the advice to everybody else if ya know what I mean.

They cannot even control their own anger but tell others how to be good caregivers? Jim I think they got problems before they ever give any care.

That wacko Jackio is depressed and feelin pains in her stomach she says and grabin her nerve pills..It's all about her, her husband said.

Then on top of all of that she has time to worry about what your gona do or what she wants you to do that is.

Jim you said you were a caregiver for 13 years and that Wacko Jacko has been doin it for 1 year.

Why don't you tell her to come back and you'll talk to her in 12 years or when she is 72 which ever she feels comes first as bein a real caregiver is a lota work and how can some of them be on the message board all day and half the night and get any care givin done?

I think Wacko made a big to do about nothin.

And I bet your name comes up when she is a talkin to her sister about all her cyberspace friends on the message board. and she says she gave you to much credit but did not have the sense to keep her own mouth shut in the first place.

Is she a blonde? What do ya think?

Anonymous said...

The very existence of Larry the Cable Guy would seem like a pretty good argument against the concept of Intelligent Design.

Larry’s routine becomes considerably more embarrassing the longer it continues.

Anonymous said...

Jim, an another thing, the fact that you allow this childish post from Larry the Cable Guy says a lot about you - and it ain't good.

Anonymous said...

I expected more of you Jim. Having a split personality wouldn't surprise me in the least. Splitting into an idiot does. If it isn't you posing as this fool then why print it? You said you hve 10 posts that were too "nasty" to print. So you write your own? (or publish one from a fool).
I would bet the farm that you are clicking your own clicker and writing your own comments. You must be so hungry for attention from "them thar guttersnipes."
Laughing my ass off at you.

One more observation. I notice that you have not bothered to even reply to a message member who lost their loved one yesterday. Nice Jim...real nice. Maybe you are waiting to write a hatchet job post about her too.

Anonymous said...

Jim--- I find Cable Guy childish in an endearing kind of way. He deserves credit for being amusing, straight-forward, keeping his material timely, and his act relatively clean.

In defense of Jackieyo...I will say...That first year of caregiving is a downer. Most of mine was filled with tears, anger, confusion, and frustration. As year 2 is ending, periods of peace and acceptance are lessening the impact of negative emotions. Jim, thanks for being there to help me through some of those bad times.

Broede's Broodings said...


I do things in my way and my time. Not in your way and your time. I try to allow everybody to be themselves. Imperfect beings. In that sense, we all have something in common. Imperfection. Some of us recognize that. Some don't. I do. --Jim Broede

Broede's Broodings said...


For your information, Deborah Uetz some years back was the first to reveal the contents of our private correspondence. On the Alzheimer's message boards. And only then did I reply, with an excerpt from our private correspondence. To set the record straight. Because Deborah, in her usual manner, had distorted and taken my position on suicide out of context. So, Ann, get your facts straight. Deborah was the one that initially broke a confidence, and thereby negated our agreement. And Jackieyo, too, pulled a Deborah and quoted on the message board from our private correspondence. If she finds it fit to do that -- she has no complaint if I decide in the future to set the record straight by excerpting some of her private quotes. And Ann, one of the three most recent posts from you for this blog was rejected because it contained false accusations. To which I have responded here. Try to get your facts straight next time. --Jim Broede