Monday, September 17, 2007

Precious...loving times.

Don’t overreact. That's what I tell care-givers. A diagnosis of dementia or Alzheimer’s isn’t necessarily the end of the world or the end of a meaningful life. My Jeanne still lived a meaningful and loving life for 13 years after the first signs of dementia. I was able to feel blessed in those waning years. To still have Jeanne in meaningful ways. But initially, I over-reacted. I thought it would be the end of happy times. I was upset. Sad. Morose. Depressed. And that wasn’t good for Jeanne. Or for me. It hampered me as a care-giver. Made me less than good. But hey, I learned. Learned that Jeanne needed good vibes. And so did I. I learned that we needed to think positively and upbeat, and optimistically. And to savor our remaining time together. And as a result, the last three or four years together were filled with much happiness. Despite Alzheimer's. Our love, I think, was deeper and more profound than ever. Yes, I ceased being scared. Or depressed. I savored every moment with Jeanne. It wasn't too late. Now I look back on those times as precious...loving times. --Jim Broede

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