Sunday, September 2, 2007
Hopefuly, his spirit made it home.
I remember Frank. He came to Birchwood, the nursing home, on Dec. 23, 2003. About a month after Jeanne. Frank had a stroke. That caused the dementia. Also, Frank fell at the nursing home. Broke a hip. Frank lived in the memory care unit, down the hall from Jeanne. And he hadn’t been home even once since his arrival. Frank wanted to go home so desperately. But his wife and daughter didn’t think that would be a good idea. “He’d want to stay home,” his wife said. “We’d have great difficulty getting him back to the nursing home.” Frank went through periods of deep depression. He lamented. He said he wouldn’t give anyone trouble. “I’d come back without a fight,” he promised. “I just want to go home for a few hours.” I was on Frank’s side. His advocate. I kept trying to persuade Frank’s wife to take him home. For just a little while. His wife was a very nice woman. She visited almost daily. Missed only three times, I think. But she steadfastly resisted bringing Frank home again. It was only 10 miles away. Frank was wheelchair-bound. I offered to assist. To help move Frank. To bring him home for a few precious hours. I thought it was worth the risk. I said, “Let’s see if it works. If it doesn’t, we won’t do it again. If it helps Frank’s morale, then maybe we can do it again and again and again.” Some days, Frank became so depressed that he cried. “I want to go home,” he said. "Please, please take me home." In the evening, I routinely wheeled Frank up and down the hallway. To try to lift his spirits. A little. To relax him. Maybe he was pretending that he was on a ride home. We talked. And maybe Frank dreamed each night. Of being home. I told Frank so often that we’d work on it. Together. I thought his wife was starting to budge. A little. But Frank died. Too soon. Hopefully, his spirit made it home. –Jim Broede
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Getting a little confused Jim, I have already read this post and the 2 below on the ALZ forum. Are you not getting enough reponses on here to satisfy your ego. Why even start a "blog" if you are going to continue posting the same things on the ALZ forum. As I said earlier, you are easily found, unlike the "Scarlet Pimpernel" who was much more subtle in his journeys.
You on the other hand show your hand much too often.
Ah, Patricia, good to hear from you again. You are a fast learner. You've caught the drift of things -- that I like to spread my goodness around. I like people to see my good side. That's why I post in more than one location. You boost my ego all the time. Because you're British. Means this blog is catching international attention. Also, I think you are the 4,000th visitor to this blog. In less than 4 weeks. That means you get a prize -- an autographed picture of me. Indeed, it's your lucky day. --Jim Broede
As if I want this, give to to one of your true friends, I am sure they will appreciate it more than I will.
Come now, Patricia. You could have put my photo to practical use. On your dart board. Or even emblazoned on your -- err, should I say it, toilet paper. You ladies have to lighten up a bit. See the funny side of life. It ain't all serious. Let's have some good-natured fun mixed in with the serious business. No reason why we can't get along and be nice to each other. I'm amiable. Hey, I've let you folks poke fun at me. Often. Now please let me poke back. Just a wee bit. Come on, ladies. Let's laugh it up. Let's change those grimaces to full-fledged smiles. You'll feel better. --Jim Broede
I agree, Patricia,
It has become tedious to read everything in both places.
Believe me, people ARE laughing.
If it's tedious, dear Anonymous, why do you keep reading? Seems kinda stupid to me. Of course, you might just be hooked to broede's broodings. Addicted. And don't want to admit it. I'm sure that's the case with many. Join the crowd. By keep coming back. --Jim Broede
Sorry again, Jim,
I forgot to sign off.
As much as you would like it to be, I am not addicted to you. As I wrote, I came back, to see if anything had changed. Musing there, brooding here. It is all the same. Nothing fresh. Since I can read and respond in the forum to the cut and pastes of the entries here...hmm.
BTW, why do we have to type in those letters twice?
Alcoholics often are in denial. Some deny they are addicted to booze. Even when they are falling down drunk day after day, night after night. Well, the same goes for Broedeaholics. They say they ain't addicted. But like you, Maebee, they keep coming back for more and more and more. They just can't live without my words of comfort and wisdom. You're hooked, Maebee. There's a well-known treatment center near where I live, called Hazelden. Primarily for alcoholics. But consideration is being given to opening a special wing there for treatment of Broedeaholics. Yes, people like you, Maebee. You can become a recovering Broedeaholic. Consider enrolling. It could bring peace and harmony back into your life. Wouldn't it be nice to get me off your mind? --Jim Broede
P.S. You have to type in those letters to determine if you are sober.
"Come now, Patricia. You could have put my photo to practical use. On your dart board....."
You are just not worth the effort, you just make me sad, not want to stick pins in you, you see.....
I have only pity for you, you are a sad old man who covers his lonely existence by "happy, happy" talk, viz a viz
"Happy talk, keep talking happy talk
Talk about things you like to do
You got to have a dream, if you don't have a dream
How you gonna have a dream come true?
Talk about the moon floating in the sky
Looking at a lily on the lake
Talk about a bird learning how to fly
Making all the music he can make!
Happy talk, keep talking happy talk
Talk about things you like to do
You got to have a dream, if you don't have a dream
How you come not have a dream come true?
Talk about the sparrow looking like a toy
Peeking through the branches of a tree
Talk about the girl, talk about the boy
Counting all the ripples on the sea
Happy talk, keep talking happy talk
Talk about things you like to do
You got to have a dream, if you don't have a dream
How you come not have a dream come true?
Talk about the boy saying to the girl
Golly, baby, I'm a lucky cuss
Talk about the girl saying to the boy
You an' me is lucky to be us
Happy talk, keep talking happy talk
Talk about things you like to do
You got to have a dream, if you don't have a dream
How you come not have a dream come true?
If you don't talk happy, and you never have dream
Then you'll never have a dream come true!
It's good idea, you like? Ah ah ah!"
Unfortunately Jim, you don't fool very many of us you know.
Broede's Broodings said...
Alcoholics often are in denial. Some deny they are addicted to booze. Even when they are falling down drunk day after day, night after night. Well, the same goes for Broedeaholics. They say they ain't addicted. But like you, Maebee, they keep coming back for more and more and more. They just can't live without my words of comfort and wisdom. You're hooked, Maebee. There's a well-known treatment center near where I live, called Hazelden. Primarily for alcoholics. But consideration is being given to opening a special wing there for treatment of Broedeaholics. Yes, people like you, Maebee. You can become a recovering Broedeaholic. Consider enrolling. It could bring peace and harmony back into your life. Wouldn't it be nice to get me off your mind? --Jim Broede
P.S. You have to type in those letters to determine if you are sober.
September 2, 2007 10:04 PM
Or was that suppose to be funny?
Next you'll be saying we're fat and ugly.
You want us to come over and read and then you don't.
You want different opinions, and then you don't.
You say you're kind and then you're rude.
Which is it? What is it?
Sometimes I enjoy reading the responses more than your original posts.
Your posts are becoming redundant, her and there(Alz Message Board).
maybe you should take a break.
I find, dear Patricia, that unhappy people often can't fathom that there are genuinely happy people in this world. You may be one of 'em. You do sound a bit unhappy. I find that depressed and miserable people often want others around them to be depressed and miserable. They dislike happy people. Because the contrast makes them feel even more depressed and miserable. Therefore, they tend to organize and attend pity parties. If I go to a pity party, I tend to tell folks to cheer up. Don't worry. Be happy. Look for the silver lining in the cloud. Count your blessings. That gets me thrown out on my tush. Which, for me, can pose dangers of a concussion. Because that's precisely where my brain is located. By the way, Patricia, I recommend a little bit of self-deprecating humor. It might make you happier. Yes, you've got to learn to laugh at yourself. You are funny, you know. --Jim Broede
Yes, Ann Alias, it was supposed to be funny. Quite possibly you and I don't share the same sense of humor. And hey, humor can be a bit cruel at times. That's the nature of some humor. Some humor pokes fun. Pokes fun at people. At situations. At dilemmas. Ever in the darkest and worst of times, one can find humor. Sometimes that's our saving grace. The ability to laugh. Even in sad times. Ann, you're a conventional thinker. And it's time that you became a bit more accepting and tolerant of the unconventional. Expand your horizons. Expand your sense of humor. --Jim Broede
Oh, I think Patricia IS happy. She just doesn't have to go around trying to convince herself and others of it, all the time. She doesn't have to put people down, or poke fun of them, or kick them when they are down, to be happy. Even America's Funniest Videos has a rule to never show videos in which people are actually hurt. Shame you can't show any restraint. You hide behind your liberal, free-thinking labels, just to give yourself permission to walk over anyone you please.
Tell me, how do you feel, late at night, all alone, no friend to call(except, of course, your cyber friends), only you and your conscience? That is probably a redundant phrase though, since you seem to not have a conscience.
To Ann,
He doesn't KNOW what he wants. He lives in the moment, remember? What he wants now, may change in the next minute. Inconsistency, except when it comes to interacting with others, especially those who are not his groupies. A "people sense" he does not have.
He is actually saying his humor consists of cruelty.
Tell me, Jim, why do you not poke fun at men?? You allow responses(what he/she is responding to escapes me) that are vile and cruel to a very loving, generous FEMALE caregiver. Do you really expect me to believe that you don't KNOW who that is?? You only try to rile up the ladies. You thank God for them, but why? It seems only so that you can try to control them. So, here you sit, with your precious blog, in control only because of an "accept" or "unaccept" option. Whoopee!!
Even with your wife, God rest her soul. You brag and brag about how YOU were in control of how she was feeling. Well, a lot of Alzheimer's sufferers slip into an infant stage, where they are extremely easy to please, and are extremely happy to cooperate, because of a juvenile fear of displeasing.
How little you know me Jim, or really any of us. My life is good, fulfilled and happy and I know many of your responders are happy with their own lives too.
I only come back to see just who you are going to put down next and try and put things right.
BTW it looks as though between you and "Cable Guy" whom you know exactly is, have managed to drive yet another forum member off the ALZ forum yet again.
I hope you are both proud of yourselves, I surely am not proud of either of you if you are more than one person!!!!!
And to think, Patricia, we could be friends. All we need is a little bit more understanding of each other. Let's try to focus on what we have in common. We're both human. We're both nice people. If we became friends, we could show the world how to patch up differences and learn to like each other. We'd set an example for the Israelis and the Palestinians. If Jim and Patricia can learn to love and like each other, maybe the impossible is possible. Let's go for it, Patricia. Let's demonstrate how conflict is resolved. Mankind will benefit. --Jim Broede
Patricia---Let’s not get all teary eyed. Being a member of our forum is a lot like taking up residence in the Hotel California. Forgive my mangled lyrics...but...I cannot not resist typing the following:
Relax, said the administrator. We are programmed to receive. You can sign out any time you like, but few permanently leave.
Most return in a matter of hours or days...Many are reincarnated with a new user name. Come to think of it....
I’ve often asked myself what ever happened to Poppy? I think that was the screen name of the member that posted questioning the existence of both Jim and Jeanne... Causing Jeanne’s death to be announced on the forums before Jim was emotionally prepared?
Broede's Broodings said...
And to think, Patricia, we could be friends. All we need is a little bit more understanding of each other. Let's try to focus on what we have in common. We're both human. We're both nice people. If we became friends, we could show the world how to patch up differences and learn to like each other. We'd set an example for the Israelis and the Palestinians. If Jim and Patricia can learn to love and like each other, maybe the impossible is possible. Let's go for it, Patricia. Let's demonstrate how conflict is resolved. Mankind will benefit. --Jim Broede
September 3, 2007 1:32 PM
My answer to you is
No thanks Jim with a friend like you, who needs enemies - You are a trouble maker , a rumor starter , a bored person who does not care who he hurts in his pursuit to cut the boredem.
OK forgot to sign in
skericheri said...
"Patricia---Let’s not get all teary eyed. Being a member of our forum is a lot like taking up residence in the Hotel California. Forgive my mangled lyrics...but...I cannot not resist typing the following:
Relax, said the administrator. We are programmed to receive. You can sign out any time you like, but few permanently leave."
Good thing you apologized first! Seems you had to apologize once before, and were graciously forgiven. I don't believe the error in judgement was mentioned again.
Teary eyed???
"Most return in a matter of hours or days...Many are reincarnated with a new user name. Come to think of it...."
So what if they choose to return?
Oh, YES, I clearly remember a member "outed" under her pseudonym! I have no knowledge of proof of any others. I do remember a HUGE error in questioning of identity, that was cleared up, and never apologized for. Tell me, why should Jim receive special treatment regardless of his treatment of others-even errors by omission? So many times, saying nothing, speaks volumes!
"I’ve often asked myself what ever happened to Poppy? I think that was the screen name of the member that posted questioning the existence of both Jim and Jeanne... Causing Jeanne’s death to be announced on the forums before Jim was emotionally prepared?"
Why you hold onto this bee in your bonnet, about Jim and Jeanne, is beyond me. All I found was 1 post by "Poppy", which had noting to do with them. It DOES seem that many members were genuinely concerned with Jeanne's health, and had not heard from Jim in a few days, after he had posted on her not being well.
While I am not judging the absence of acknowledgement of these heartfelt concerns and outpouring of sympathy(several threads and responses), there was none. There was also a couple of seemingly jovial posts from Jim, after the announcement of Jeanne's health decline. Perhaps this prompted the doubt?
How come it doesn't surprise me that you have rejected my offer of friendship? Makes me wonder if you are estranged from certain other people that you should be close to? I think you've got to patch things up on more than one front. --Jim Broede
I just want you to know that I think Cherie and Rosie are very decent human beings. Exceptional human beings. I've met a few others on the message boards, too, that I think set a good example for the rest of you. Thank gawd for that. Renews my faith in all of god's creation. And like I've said before, Maebee, you are exceptional, too. You excel as a clown. You've been blessed. With natural clown talent. God saw fit to make something wonderful of you. Clowns are the bringers of joy and laughter. And god brought some wonderful women into my life. Shows that god is my buddy, doesn't it? --Jim Broede
I warn you Mr Broede, DON'T start on that tack yet again. I will not stand for it, you have tried this in an unsolicited email from yourself and I told you then, you know nothing about my relationships with any of my friends or family. So desist Mr Broede, DESIST.
How dare you presume to define how YOU think my life is, you know NOTHING about me, you arrogant, stupid excuse for a man.
I will not allow you to continue your persecution you know, and will always stand up for myself and others you are doing this to.
Actually, I regret to say I think you are a hateful man who just enjoys mentally abusing women, who unfortunaly reminds me of a Man I knew a lot of years ago who did this also.
I walked away from him, and I really think perhaps I should walk away from you too, you are just not worth the bother any more.
DO NOT USE YOUR BLOG FOR PERSONAL ATTACKS ON PEOPLE. This is not the purpose of a "blog" you know.
Patricia signing off, and lifting up a prayer that you will see the error of you ways and reform.
Ah, Patricia, as if you and others haven't gotten highly personal with me. Sounds to me like you want a double standard around here. What's good for the goose is good for the gander, so to speak. --Jim Broede
There is a distinction to be made between double standards and hypocrisy, which implies the stated or presumed acceptance of a single standard a person claims to hold himself or herself accountable to, but which in practice may be disregarded.
Dear Anonymous:
More gobblygook. But may I remind all of you posters, especially those who remain anonymous, you have to follow the rules of decorum. Courtesy. Politeness. No name-calling. Especially nasty name-calling. One of you submitted that sort of comment this morning. And it didn't meet this blog's high standards. So it didn't make it into print. If the sender has the guts to identify himself/herself, we'll give it consideration. Because we tend to allow you to make absolute fools of yourselves -- as long as you tell us your name. So you get proper credit. We don't want you to be a nameless fool. Let the world know. --Jim Broede
By the way, I don't mind being called a fool. I've been a fool for putting up with some of you ladies in the past. --Jim Broede
Also, I don't mind being called Crazy Jim. I'm a delightfully wild and crazy guy. Really, you folks could come to like me. If only you tried. --Jim Broede
We're also going to start naming the Broedeaholic of the week. The woman most obsessed with me. This past week it was a tie, between Maebee and Patricia. They win life-sized autographed photos of me. --Jim Broede
"Broede's Broodings said...
We're also going to start naming the Broedeaholic of the week. The woman most obsessed with me. This past week it was a tie, between Maebee and Patricia. They win life-sized autographed photos of me. --Jim Broede"
Ha Ha Ha Ha. Now, who is the clown. Whew, that is a good one. Wait, let me catch my breath! Whooo, hooo!
You do flatter yourself. You WISH!
I think YOU are the one obsessed!
Oh, my , ha, ha, ha ,ha here I go again!
Look, you are spending all your blog on US!!
Don't let him kid ya, folks, he's lovin' it!
You bet I'm lovin' it, Maebee. Every minute of this wonderful blog. It's a nice blend. Of the serious. With comic relief mixed in. And you, Maebee, provide much of the comic relief. With your clown schtick. You are truly funny. We play off each other quite well. I needed a clown to make this blog balanced. And there you were. Yes, you and Patricia, ready and waiting. And thoroughly obsessed. You can't stay away from this blog for even one day. I dare you to try it. You can't. You've got to find out what I'm gonna say next. Both of you. Even if you don't sign in. Even if you don't post. I know you'll be here. Ever faithful. You are the talented clown, Maebee. Like I say, you're a natural. Patricia isn't so much the clown. She's the hot-tempered babe. Funny in herb own way. Doesn't take much to set her off. To light her fuse. Little wonder that she's on her second hubby. And not exactly yummy-yummy with -- well, you know who. She can't be the easiest lady to live with. And sure, she has friends. On the Alzheimer's message boards. From a distance. Separated by an ocean. I differentiate between friends and acquaintances. Which is more than some of you do. Anyway, I give you and Patricia accolades. For helping promote this blog. I appreciate it. It's people like you that keeps the counter click, click, clicking. Hey, maybe it's the two of you that account for half the clicks. You bring over quite a few from your clique, too. That whole clique knows how to make clicks. Maybe I'll start calling you the Clique Click Chicks instead of the Ladies Aid Society. --Jim Broede
And let me give some of you Clique Click Chicks fair warning. Start acting more like ladies than guttersnipes. A couple of you have slipped into your excessively nasty ways today, and had your submissions deleted. No profanity and filth allowed here. --Jim Broede
Yeah, I see you didn't post my one response. Too much truth for you? Guttersnipe is a derogatory term, too.
I have no problem with the truth, Maebee. Only problem is that you have difficulty telling the truth, or facing the truth. And as for derogatory names, 'guttersnipe' isn't as derogatory as names your clique has hurled at me on the Alzheimer's message boards. Most of which were deleted. But even the f--- word stayed around for a few days before it got deleted. Guess it was because I didn't complain. I used to take your guff. Your crap. Now I dish it back. --Jim Broede
MY clique?? I did not call you any name, did I? I think I may have described the way you were sounding. I never use the F---word. I didn't even see it here.??
Well, That's OK, you don't have to take MY crap(mine, or the clique's?) anymore. I see I have lowered myself, and I am standing back upright. Go ahead. Have fun. I see, when something hits home with you, it is not acceptable. So be it. It IS your blog. I don't want to continue to where it is going.
You tend to see only what you want to see, Maebee. And you darn well know that members of your clique use profanity and foul language. And that's why some of the stuff has been deleted. Some of you gals aren't exactly Sunday school teachers. Not with those dirty and vulgar mouths. I let some of the stuff get through until I decided to screen the comments. I've saved some of it, and I'll send it to you some day. You read some of it if you followed this blog from the beginning. Maybe you want to pretend that you didn't see it. Like I say, you see what you wanna see. You're a close-minded clown. The clown bit is a compliment. It's all right to be a clown. Especially one that makes folks laugh. But being close-minded --well, that's unacceptable. I'll miss you as a clown. But as for missing you for your close-mindedness -- heck, I can live without that. Won't miss that one bit. --Jim Broede
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