Thursday, September 27, 2007

I'm blessed...if I don't get pissed.

Unbelievable. Cubs get swept by the last place Marlins. If Milwaukee wins tonight, the Cubs lead in the National League Central is cut to 1 game. With three games left in the regular season. Neither the Cubs or Milwaukee deserve to be in the play-offs. I'm almost ready to quit being a Cubs fan. But I'm hooked. I'll take them win or lose. That's the way it is. Just like a friend. No matter how much a friend disappoints you, he/she is still a friend. The Cubs are putting me to the ultimate test. I always want to see a true friend succeed. But hey, if a friend fails all the time, I'll still stick by the friend. And tell 'em, keep trying. Oh, well, the baseball gods will do what they want. I have no say in the matter. I have to accept their decision. Gracefully. Even when I'm pissed. Maybe the baseball gods are trying to teach me how not to be pissed. I don't know if I can master that art. When it gets down to it, I'm really not pissed at the baseball gods or at the Cubs. I'm pissed at myself for being pissed. That's what I haven't mastered yet. I have to quit being pissed at myself. I have to learn to laugh it off. To put life in proper perspective. I get pissed at meaningless things. Meaningless events. It should make absolutely no difference whether the Cubs win or lose. It should make no difference whether it's a sunny day or a cloudy day. I'm blessed. Either way. That is, if I don't get pissed. --Jim Broede

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