Friday, September 7, 2007

It's a scary thought, isn't it?

Think of it, folks. Care-givers that come to the Alzheimer’s message boards are probably the cream of the crop, for the most part. Some of the best because they know enough to seek help, to get assistance, to adapt and to openly discuss the problems and challenges of care-giving for dementia patients. But still, some active care-givers are in relatively bad shape. Mentally and emotionally. Imagine what it’s like in situations where care-givers don’t have the savvy or inclination to do something about improving their situations. The ones that don’t even let it be known that they are in dire straits. The ones that barely plod along. It’s a scary thought, isn’t it? –Jim Broede


Anonymous said...

I been thinkin and What I wanta know is who do ya think that thar bb girl is?

I say she has quite an imagination kinda like a writer kinda girl and can sure paint a picture.

Jim there is some real funny business goin on over thar on that message board.

I say it will be comin to a head, as the big boys are on the case <> if you know what I mean.

Now Jim I know you always think the best of everyone.

But this kissin up that thar bb girl is doin over and over is more than a bit over the top if you just count the number of old posts she has done it on.

That rant post bb girl gave it away on it was thar plain as day.

Now ponder what I've said here jim and after ya do I have more questions.

rainbowheart said...

You stated on an early post that you are using this blog for truth and to enlighten me. Jim, I am ENLIGHTENED enough each day that you don't need to try to enlighten me. And truth..I guess that is in the eye of the beholder. So I don't need to catch it. Jim, this is the LAST time that I will post or read your blog! I have come to know the truth about something and here it are a person that wants to hurt people and to push certain buttons with certain people. You said that some people just want to hear that "they are loved" whipsered in their ear. We are loved. You have not a clue on what happens in our life except that we are caregivers. But we can HONESTLY say that we are not on this forum or have a blog to hurt peoples feelings. Say what you what you must...muse about Jennie if you must...but realize that you are suppose to be an ADULT but as your actions are showing you are acting like a child. So, Jim have a nice life and try with your infinate wisdom to realize that you DO NOT have all the answers to all the questions. Have a nice day!!!!

Broede's Broodings said...


It's good to hear a man's point of view. I am inundated by comments from women. I suspect that nearly all of them choose to remain anonymous. A pity. I wish they'd at least tell me their first names. At least you give me your name, and occupation. Anyway, I sort of imagine the names of the women that write to me. Here are my best guesses: Lulubelle, Brunhilde, Lucretia (as in Borgia), Lizzie (as in Borden), Hildegard, Esmeralda and Megdelena. I think it takes a special type woman to write to me and to berate me. That takes a lot of guts. Of course, it'd take even more guts to have the courage to identify themselves. I think they're really cats -- scaredy cats. --Jim Broede

Broede's Broodings said...

I take it, Rainbowheart, that you are disappointed in me. Well, I'm disappointed in you, too. So that makes the disappointment a two-way street. So be it. I guess we have different approaches to problems that plague Alzheimer care-givers. I'm looking for fixes. Over and above everything else. Even before I give empathy and sympathy to active and beleaguered care-givers. Hey, they're getting plenty of empathy and sympathy and pity from other care-givers. But what they need is a fix. A way to make their situations better. In practical ways. Now. Maybe that's the difference between some men and some women -- on how they tackle a problem. I'm for getting it fixed. Immediately, if possible. If the problem gets fixed, the care-giver won't need pity or empathy any more. Life will start to fall into place again. Let's get to the core. Let's quit wasting time. That's all I'm saying. If we've got a lousy health care system that makes it difficult for families anf friends to cope with Alzheimer's and other dementias -- well, then let's make some practical fixes. So that everybody gets help. The care-givers. The patients. The whole caboodle. Look at it this way, Rainbowheart. You are being kind by offering beleaguered care-givers some solace. With kind and comforting words. Well, I'm trying to be kind, too. By pushing vigorously for solutions to long-standing problems. To me, that's the ultimate act of kindness. A solution. --Jim Broede

Anonymous said...

Oh Jim. Don't ever try to write a screen play. "Larry the cable guy" is the worst attempt at trying to write like a hillbilly I have ever seen. People who talk like that don't spell "thar" like that. Duh.
Anyway, it occured to me that I have seen a blog just like yours. It belongs to Rosi the former "View" co-host. Her blog is angry, sexually ambiguous, she lost a parent as a child, she puts on a smile but is seething inside.
Very similar.
Now go brush up on that dialect problem. I know you can do better than that. You can do much better, that thar is plain as day. LMAO

Seriously, they paid you to write? No wonder your "beat" was school board meetings and the citris crop.
Oh my, what dealines you must have had.

Broede's Broodings said...

Dear Anonymous:

I assure you I am not Larry. But I do think he's funny. And harmless. That's why I'm allowing him to post. And I'm not sure whether Larry is he or she. Just like you, Anonymous. Are you man, woman or beast? --Jim Broede

P.S. Anybody who is funny and harmless is welcome.

Anonymous said...

I'm a beast. That's why I come here looking for your garbage. It's always plentiful.

Broede's Broodings said...

And I'm a beauty. So we have beauty and the beast. Unfortunately, sometimes I'm mistaken for a beast, too. --Jim Broede

Broede's Broodings said...

Also, Anonymous, if you really are a beast, I can get you free room and board at a zoo in St. Paul. Are you a hairy beast? A big beast? Do you look frightening? And why do you eat garbage? Do you have fangs? Maybe I can get you into a scary movie. I'm willing to be your manager. But I want 25 percent of any contract I get you. Send me a photo, and I'll see what I can do. --Jim Broede

Anonymous said...

What is REALLY scary is that you take one small glimpse of a garegiver's situation, and come to so many conclusions, and then feel you have the right to judge them, in writing, in public.

I got this analogy from a post:
If two people falll overboard, do you try to save the strong swimmer, or the weaker swimmer? To whom do you throw the life preserver? You give the impression that you would save the stronger of the two, then shout "swim, swim" to the drowning one.

It is a shame that you chose to cut and paste a post from the forum, for more of your ammunition. Have you gone back and read any other of her posts? I think not. You continually beat people when they are down. Why can't you seem to let this blog stand on its own? You have this obsession to continually bring the forum here.

And, this "cable guy" jokester! You are either so naive, that you don't get the "gist" of his/her posts, or you are truly showing your very dark side. Are you so desparate that you accept this "man's" point of view? This is either your alter ego, a jealous woman, or a very sick man. If you think these posts are harmless and fun, then you should just lift the restrictions on the responses you get. But, you couldn't handle that.

Go ahead and poke fun at this response, call me a clown, whatever. I know you will not address the issues I have raised, anyway.

I am finally understanding why the responses you give to posts are seeming so unrelated, wishy-washy, insulting, or poking fun at the writer. I do not think you UNDERSTAND what people write.

Broede's Broodings said...

Oh, anonymous Maebee, Maebee, Maebee. At least I understand you. I understand that in some ways I'm reaching you. Because you keep coming back for my words of wisdom and comfort. I do understand that you have a clownish side. A funny side. That you are proud to have been descended from a long line of professional clowns. That like me, you are a bit crazy. I'm Crazy Jim. And proud of it. You could easily be dubbed Crazy Maebee, the clown. You do have a light side. You suggest that I have a dark side. But really, you mistake the light for darkness. I'm really a nice guy. And I give you the benefit of any doubt. So I consider you a nice gal. We're two nice people. Two peas in a pod. In fact, I'm very, very nice. When I am good, I am very, very good. And that makes up 100-fold for any time that I'm bad. I'm bad in a nice way. My badness brings out the good in others. It's like I'm bringing out the good in you, Maebee. Here you are promoting my blog. You suggest that it's a bad blog. But deep down, you know full well that it's good. Very good. And so you seek to bring people to it by telling 'em it's bad. Because you know that's a more effective way to bring people into the Broede realm. The realm of goodness. By telling 'em it's bad. And then once they come, they are hooked. By the goodness of it all. Yes, Maebee, you and I have something in common. We are convoluted thinkers. Some may mistake us for stinkers. But we're really thinkers. --Jim Broede

Anonymous said...

Hay People don't you get it???
That blogger is pullin' yer leg.

Larry the Cable Guy is the psuedonym for a comemdian from the Blue Collar Comedy Tour.

His famous line is - "Get
ER Done"!

Here's one for ya'll from Ron White - "Ya Can't Fix Stupid".


Broede's Broodings said...

I want everyone to know that Larry the Cable Guy had a comment yesterday that was rejected. Because Larry sounded out of character. Like a guttersnipe. Like a nasty woman. Maybe somebody was trying to impersonate Larry, and make him seem like a mean-spirited woman. Maybe his wife was filling in for him. Anyway, he/she sounded rather impolite, and not like the usual Larry. I want Larry to know he's welcome here, but he has to abide by my high standards. If I were you, Larry, I'd make sure your wife isn't out to do you in. Lucky thing I'm around to save you from any embarassment. I've also saved Maebee's ass more than once. I believe in equal protection. Doesn't matter whether you are man, woman or beast. I like to protect some of you from yourselves. Another sign that I'm a nice, protective guy. --Jim Broede

Anonymous said...

Jim---Are you inferring that there have been pseudo Maebees and Cable Guys attempting to post on this blog?

That thought is sick, sad and laughable at the same time. Surely one of each of them commenting here is enough.

Anonymous said...

skericheri said...
...Surely one of each of them commenting here is enough.
September 9, 2007 9:59 PM

Enough? For who? Do you now have to be satisfied with the responses? Your opinion has been noted.

BTW, I sign my name.

Hey Jim,
What do you need to save my ass from?? I can take care of myself, thank you.
Do you think if I listed and numbered the points I bring up, would it be easier? I did include a lot of topics in my last post. Or, should I just limit my posts to one thought each??

Broede's Broodings said...

Yes, Maebee, I think it would be wise and prudent for you to limit each one of your posts to a single thought. You tend to get confused when you try to handle more than one thought at a time. That's what I mean by saving your ass. When your posts make absolutely no sense, I refrain from posting 'em, to save you embarrassment. One might call it an ass-saving gesture. Because I really like you, Maebee. I want to protect you from yourself. --Jim Broede

Anonymous said...

Anonymous –Are you trying to justify your use of the screen name anonymous? Giving your stamp of approval multiple posters using the name Maebee and Cable Guy? Or attempting to make some kind of point? Since you specialize in pulling thoughts out of context, I’ll include the full quote below.
Jim---Are you inferring that there have been pseudo Maebees and Cable Guys attempting to post on this blog?

That thought is sick, sad and laughable at the same time. Surely one of each of them commenting here is enough.
September 9, 2007 9:59 PM
I find it inconceivable that your attention span is capable of noting anything longer than 5 minutes.

Anonymous said...

Have you always hated women or did that hatred begin with your father's suicide? Did you blame your mother? You noted that your siblings blamed her. Did you find him? How did you overcome your opinion of women when you fell in love with a woman?

Broede's Broodings said...

Dear Anonymous:

I love women. Very much so. I even married a goddess. And I don't hate anyone. Not even one woman. Or one man. Or one beast. And I generally like people. Oh, there are some exceptions. I don't particularly like demeaning or negative-thinking people. That would include guttersnipes. But still, I try to tolerate 'em. Albeit, I am capable of demeaning anyone that demeans other people. Such as racists. When it comes to women, I think of them as one of god's most wonderful creations. And to think, god sent me a goddess. How many guys get to marry a goddess? Meanwhile, close friends Rosie and Cherie may not be goddesses, but they are examples of why I think highly of women. --Jim Broede

Broede's Broodings said...


I've withheld your latest comment directed to Skericheri because you sound angry. Yes, negative. Maybe you'll want to think about it for a day or two. Let's see if you feel the same way after a little more reflection. Really, Maebee, I'm trying to save your ass. --Jim Broede