Sunday, October 28, 2007 long as they don't discriminate.

I think I’m empathetic to minorities, in general, because I see myself as a minority. In so many, many ways. The way I think. I isolate myself, into a minority. I’m a free-thinker, and that I find makes me unacceptable, especially to religious fundamentalists. I’m a political liberal, a socialist, maybe even a communist sympathizer, and that makes me unacceptable to the political mainstream, at least in America. And I’m pretty much a loner. I go my way. I don’t join organizations, or groups. I’m a maverick, so to speak. I’m a little like a square peg in a society of round holes. And I tend to defend minority rights, which puts me in disfavor with some majorities. I want to have the right to be myself, to go against the grain; and therefore, I have to defend the rights of others to do the same. I have a live and let-live attitude. It doesn’t bother me that others don’t do as I do…as long as they don’t discriminate. –Jim Broede

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