Friday, October 12, 2007

...the proper place to take on the inappropriate ladies.

Joyce, on the Alzheimer’s message boards, writes, “I see posts are being deleted rather quickly. Soon it will be as though we never posted. Kind of strange, isn't it? Kind of like our AD journeys - surreal. LO's don't count and now caregivers don't either. Rather a sad state of affairs. Seeing these posts deleted simply taps into my feelings of loss all over again. For those deleted, I am sorry. It's been quite a ride, here at home and here on the board, but it seems as though the ride has ended.”

Didn’t take long for Cinmin girl to add her observation on the sudden rash of deletions by the Alzheimer administrators. “Just another step into the Twilight Zone,” she said. “So Sad.”

Then Mermac added: “One of mine was deleted. In fact all the posts in support of Lori (have) been deleted. For what reason I don't understand.”

Not to be out-talked, Valentine Girl chipped in: “The message from all of this is very clear. And also tragic. We all know what it means. To be completely wiped out with no regard and no explanation and no caring at all. Pretty sad message, huh? Have a good laugh, troll!”

Yes, folks, there have been mass deletions on the Alzheimer’s message boards in the past week. Because of inappropriate posts. Negative posts. Derogatory posts. Violations of the guidelines established and clearly defined by the Alzheimer’s Association. And all of the posts were by members of the Ladies Aid Society and their cohorts. They all too often accuse me of violations. But I’ve got thousands of posts on the message boards. And I’ve dared them to find a single inappropriate post by me. They can’t.

And by now, they certainly should be familiar with what’s inappropriate. The ladies are inappropriate. Grossly inappropriate. I’m appropriate because when I take issue with them. I do it on my blog…because this is the proper place to take on the inappropriate ladies. –Jim Broede

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jim, don't be so silly. Obviously ALL of your negative, sexually charge, hateful, accusatory messages over the years have also been erased. Duh.

Isn't it curious how much you enjoy being the victim. Poor Jim. All he ever wanted was to be a romantic idealist who creeps around slinging hate. Poor Jim.