Monday, December 31, 2007

...the 'bad' people of this world.

I remember seeing bombed out buildings still standing in Frankfurt when I was there in 1958 and 1959 and 1960. I'd go to the opera. To see Humperdink's "Hansel & Gretel," in a nice new opera house. But standing right next to it was the bombed out shell of the old opera house. Not yet removed. So sad. But a reminder of what was. And how war devastates everything. And when I visit Germany, I still hear the stories. Right around Kashofen, the tiny town where my ancestors lived. And they show me the big craters that still exist in the forest. Where Americans dropped bombs. Along the Siegfried Line. Even in the little villages. Not because they were strategic places. But just to demoralize the population. That's what they do in wars. Try to demoralize everyone. Think of it. America is the only nation with the "will" to drop nuclear bombs on a population. Hiroshima. Nagasaki. For the sake of winning a war. We would vaporize hundreds of thousands of people. And we justifty it on a moral basis. By saying the Japanese asked for it. The Japanese are the bad and evil people. And we Americans -- well, we're the good guys. We wear the white hats. God is on our side. To this very day, George Bush tells us we are the good people. We are god's favored people. That's why we are allowed to invade Iraq and execute the 'bad' people of this world. --Jim Broede


Broede's Broodings said...

Dear Anonymous:

You ask, "Why in the world would you stay in such a place,
that you obviously abhor??"

Well, the fact of the matter, dear anonymous, is that I don't abhor the U.S. I like it that I'm able to criticize this country, and the government, and some of its actions. That's my right. I have freedom of speech. I'm not required to be a super patriot. That's what I like about living here. I was born here. In Chicago. A fine city. And I also think there are many other fine countries in the world. Almost as good, if not as good, as America. Anyway, I don't like everything about America. And I'm not afraid to say so. I abhor some of the things this country's government does. And so I gripe about it. I take issue. I like my freedom of speech. And I don't ever want it taken away. Even when I criticize the government. I don't like the fact that George Bush is waging war in Iraq. I think it's immoral. So, don't I have a right to be a 'twerp' and be vocal about it? And another thing I don't like. We've been pretty much a white supremacy society throughout our history. Right from the very beginning. And we still are. Yes, there's a lot wrong about this country. But by golly, one thing that isn't wrong is that I still have freedom of speech. But it's possible I may lose that right some day. Then maybe I'll go find another country. Or maybe I'll start a revolution. --Jim Broede

Broede's Broodings said...

The problem, folks, is that we (society in general) have come to believe that war is inevitable. That ultimately, it is the only way to settle differences. That's a mind-set that will be difficult, if not impossible, to change. At least for another few thousand years. I'm of the belief, though, that mankind can change its essence. Through a long-term evolutionary process. And actually find a relatively peaceful option to war. I suspect that some advanced civilizations in the vast cosmos have already done it. Eliminated war. Because it's absolutely inhumane. Barbaric. Crazy. Irrational. Counter-productive. War is not a mix of good and bad. It's all bad. Because it should never happen in the first place. It doesn't have to be man's nature to go to war. Disputes should be settled in a peaceful manner. Without the need for killing each other. If we're Christians, let's ask ourselves what would Jesus do? Would Jesus go to war? Would he pick up a gun and shoot somebody? In the guise of war? Would he drop an atom bomb on a Japanese city? Maybe in order to bring a war to a quicker close? I think not. And what would Jesus have to say about the current war in Iraq? Tell me, folks, I'm all ears. --Jim Broede

Anonymous said...

Tell me something: what would you have had done, when the airplanes slammed into the NYC buildings, the Pentagon, the PA field, killing 3,000 people???? Or, when our servicemen, servicewomen, AND civilians are murdered, because they are Americans?? Just how do you think the religious fanatics, who believe that death should come to anyone who believes differently than they do-who believe a person should be killed simply because they are a U.S. citizen-should be treated??? What about mass murderer and genocidal maniac, saddam hussein??

Be real, man, who LIKES war?

You are a misguided soul, desperate for conversation. It is obvious you DO live in a cocoon, of sorts. You have no grasp of true reality. You are able to live inside your fantasy world, because you have limited the need for real human contact. That is not a wild guess, but a summation from your own writings.
By the way, YOU are a self-proclaimed non-Christian...why do you write "WE'RE Christians"?? It is really laughable, when you throw Jesus' and God's name around, like a playmate. There is a writing in the Bible about those who "pretend" in reference to God and Jesus. I will try to find it for you.

Broede's Broodings said...

Dear Anonymous:

The 9/11 incidents were criminal acts, dear anonymous. Not cause to declare war. They were perpetrated by criminals. Not enemy combatants. Right from the start, we should have treated the perpetrators as criminals. Murderers. Religious fanatics. And we had the opportunity to enlist much of the rest of the world to help bring the planners and perpetrators of these horrendous crimes to justice. Instead, we declare war. Which is preposterous. We use it as an excuse to invade Iraq. When that country had nothing to do with the 9/11 attacks. We end up perpetrating far more killing and devastation than did the 9/11 criminals/terrorists. In some ways, we're as bad as them because we have killed thousands and thousands of relatively innocent people. With our war. A war that we started. A so-called pre-emptive war. And now we even have U.S. government officials threatening to bomb Iran. America has as much blood on its hands as the criminals/terrorists.

And hey, you mention that genocidal maniac Saddam Hussein. Yes, the very guy that we Americans armed and supported in his war against Iran. Then he was our buddy. Our ally. We support evil when we think it benefits us. We supported and subsidized that genocidal maniac for years and years. We didn't raise much fuss when he was committing those genocidal acts. Because he was on our side at the time. That's the American double standard. We've supported all sorts of dictators around the world. When we have something to gain from it. --Jim Broede

Anonymous said...

You stay up for 16 hours
He stays up for days on end.

You take a warm shower to help you wake up.
He goes days or weeks without running water.

You complain of a 'headache', and call in sick.
He gets shot at as others are hit, and keeps moving forward.

You put on your anti war/don't support the troops shirt, and go meet up with your friends.
He still fights for your right to wear that shirt.

You make sure you're cell phone is in your pocket.
He clutches the cross hanging on his chain next to his dog tags.

You talk trash about our 'buddies' that aren't with you.
He knows he may not see some of his buddies again.

You walk down the beach, staring at all the pretty girls.
He patrols the streets, searching for insurgents and terrorists.

You complain about how hot it is.
He wears his heavy gear, not daring to take off his helmet to wipe his brow.

You go out to lunch, and complain because the restaurant got your order wrong.
He doesn't get to eat today

Your maid makes your bed and washes your clothes.
He wears the same things for weeks, but makes sure his weapons are clean.

You go to the mall and get your hair redone.
He doesn't have time to brush his teeth today

You're angry because your class ran 5 minutes over.
He's told he will be held over an extra 2 months.

You call your girlfriend and set a date for tonight.
He waits for the mail to see if there is a letter from home

You hug and kiss your girlfriend, like you do everyday.
He holds his letter close and smells his love's perfume

You roll y our eyes as a baby cries.
He gets a letter with pictures of his new child, and wonders if they'll ever meet.

You criticize your government, and say that war never solves anything.
He sees the innocent tortured and killed by their own people and remembers why he is fighting.

You hear the jokes about the war, and make fun of men like him.
He hears the gunfire, bombs and screams of the wounded

You see only what the media wants you to see.

He sees the broken bodies lying around him.

You are asked to go to the store by your parents. You don't.

He does exactly what he is told even if it puts his life in danger.

You stay at home and watch TV.

He takes whatever time he is given to call, write home, sleep, and eat.

You crawl into your soft bed, with down pillows, and get comfortable.

He tries to sleep but gets woken by mortars and helicopters all night long.

If you don't support your troops well, then don't send this out. You won't die in 7 days, your love life won't be affected, and you won't have the worst day ever.

Broede's Broodings said...

Yes, dear anonymous, think of all the suffering caused by George Bush's needless and senseless war. Even American soldiers suffer. Thousands of young men and women have lost their lives. And for what? Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11. You'd think Bush's conscience would bother him. Bush went to war under false pretexts. And we Americans have put up with it. Shame on us. --Jim Broede

Anonymous said...

I support our Troops and THIS country. Right or Wrong. These men and women chose to do a job. They do as they are told. As ANY worker they have a job, a boss, a duty. They made a choice, that choice was to make damn sure YOU and the rest of this country can enjoy the freedom of this country. Some may say Honor, Courage, and Commitment, All this for who? AMERICA
Don't give me your line of how you support the troops. What I sent you WAS ABOUT OUR TROOPS. READ it. It said NOTHING about bush. Another CLASSIC broede twist. Enjoy your FREEDOM. ENJOY being able to have this blob and that is not a typo. Because IT IS BECAUSE OF THESE MEN AND WOMEN THAT SERVE MY COUNTRY.

Respect is earned. I am respected, and so is MY SON IN IRAQ

Broede's Broodings said...

Yes, dear anonymous, I would support the troops, too. Especially if one of the troops was my son.

But I'll tell you one thing -- I don't support the war. It's an immoral war. A senseless war. My only hope is that your son comes back alive and well. If I was president, he wouldn't be there. --Jim Broede

Anonymous said...

I never said I supported bush. As you lay your head on your pillow tonight trying to sleep, think of the men and women fighting for your freedom. My son doesn't have a job where he can sit and write sports stories. I haven't heard from my son in weeks. I can't tell you where in Iraq he is. This isn't his 1st tour. He has been there and done that. He has also expressed its his job, He did join after 9/11, it was his choice. Its ok I am proud to be an american. you say nothing in support of the troops no matter where they are.

BTW many innocent people have been and still are killed in Iraq. Not just our men and women. Look it up. The mass graves. Just as many innocent deer have been killed even ones at 9:30

Broede's Broodings said...

I beg your pardon, dear anonymous, those troops in Iraq are not fighting for my freedom. Iraq never posed any danger to my freedom. George Bush poses more danger to my freedom than the people of Iraq. And George Bush poses a danger to your son's life. I'm for saving your son's life. By bringing him home tomorrow. While he's still alive. I don't think his life is worth fighting in a senseless war. World War II may have made sense. Lots of sense. But this war makes absolutely no sense. I don't want another life lost in Iraq. Period. And I'm proud to be an American. But I'm not proud to have to say that America is in a senseless war -- a war that America started. Needlessly. It's an immoral war. And it's a shame on America. And I'm darn proud to be an American opposed to the war. --Jim Broede

Anonymous said...

Jim---Like you I would like to know why our country did not utter a word of protest when Saddam Hussein was practicing his own special genocide on Kurdish men, women and children?

The war in Iraq is illogical, stupid, and an unjust was of lives. Our showing up plan-less and clue-less and destroying the infrastructure of the nation has probably resulted in producing more hate and more potential terrorists than we ever will imagine.

Had the true facts been known, I doubt if there would have been enough support for it to have been started. This war is something that I am ashamed of and cannot support.

Anyone that thinks it is impossible for someone to support the troops without supporting the war in Iraq must be incapable of thought. There are hundreds of ways...Buy a phone card...Prepare and mail a care package to one that you know or find one through an organization...Visit or send a note to a Veteran’s hospital...Be at the airport when troops are returning or just show up one afternoon and take the time to smile and be nice to everyone wearing a uniform...Donate time or money to the USO, VFW... If you see one in a restaurant or club offer to buy the meal or the drink. Soldiers are so busy feeling good, and being thankful that...

They don’t ask...and ...I don't tell them my thoughts about the injustice of this war.

Broede's Broodings said...

Another thing. If the war-mongers in the U.S. thought the Iraq war was a just war, they should call on the entire nation to fight it. Not just a few volunteer soldiers. Bring back the draft. Go all-out. Fill the armed services with the sons and daughters of the rich. And the kids of the politicians that sent us into war. This is a war fought in large part by mercenaries. Civilian soldiers, so to speak, paid several times more than our regular soldiers. Yes, another shame on America. Anyway, our politicians are smart enough not to ask everybody to pitch in. Because that would bring an abrupt end to the war. It would trigger immense opposition. And why? Most Americans really do see the war as senseless. But their opinions are ignored by the ruling elite. The ones who don't want their sons and daughters sent into the fray to lose their lives. --Jim Broede

Anonymous said...

You have such a one-track mind! You need to educate yourself on the workings of our Government. How convenient to blame the President for everything. Don't give a thought to advisors, Senators, Representatives; all who had some say-so. Oh, no, then you would have to THINK, and weed through the information. Too taxing! If it is as bad as you say, why haven't ALL the politicians who voted in favor of the war been impeached??

What is it, with you and skericheri? You feel like you are privy to some information?? Do you really think that we know everything about the war and other conflicts?? I am glad we don't, because whatever "we" know, our enemies find out. We know what the media feeds us, and they go with the current vein of acceptance. All biased, in one way or the other. You were associated with a newspaper? Then you should know THAT!

EVERYONE, who has been paying attention, knows why this war was begun. ANYONE, with any sense, knows you can't just pull out, bam!, and end a war!

FYI, I know NO ONE directly, involved in Iraq or Afganistan. I find it completely amazing, that complete strangers have VOLUNTEERED to protect my life and rights, and those of the innocent people in those countries. THAT is American! THAT is simply mind-boggling! I am grateful to everyONE!

Bring back the draft? Sure, you could do that. Easy for you to say, you have no children affected. Send the politicians kids and the kids of the rich? Sure, then you would see the enemy swarm them, and those they are with, to make a bigger impact. Putting extra risk on those lives. Besides that, how do you know there are no politician's children, or wealthy children over there? Do you have a list? Do you really think that should be broadcast? That matters not to me.

Like I said, I am awed, and humbled, by the efforts of complete strangers.
"Mercenaries?? What is this??

Anonymous said...

Anonymous must be either ill informed or smoking something illegal...

There are mercenaries are working in Iraq. I think the polite terms are ‘private contractors’ and ‘support personnel’. They drive trucks with fuel and supplies...Guard oil fields, airports and public figures...and perform other support functions. These people have been and are being recruited not only in US but from many corners of the globe. Ages ago I read about Namibia shutting down an American mercenary firm for recruiting Namibians to work as 'security guards' in Iraq and Afghanistan...Also heard of activities in Chile and war torn and third world countries where what would be an average amount of money here goes a long way. Don’t know what the going rate is right now for a US born truck driver... A man that I know who returned a year ago claims to have made more in a few months than he could have made in a year or two here.

Mercenary would be an unkind word to use in describing the ‘raw, untested and relatively unskilled’ recruits taking advantage of ‘quick ship’ enlistment bonuses that can be as high as $20,000 and can be combined with other financial incentives to equal $40,000 for a 4 year enlistment.

I did not feel protected, humbled, mind-boggeled or in awe of the future sacrifices that will be made by a recent high school graduate that I encountered who expects to be paid a $29,000 MOS bonus. What I did (and do) feel is sorrow that someone finds it necessary to put their life on the line for such a paltry amount of money and a bit of training that may allow him to enter the ‘elite’ Middle Class.

Bringing back the draft is a good idea. If this country is to be at war, it should be fought by people of all economic and ethnic backgrounds.

Anonymous said...

skericheri said...
Anonymous must be either ill informed or smoking something illegal...

Why do you assume such an asinine attitude, as to suggest I am smoking "something illegal"?? That is childish.
This is bringing up another subject, altogether.
I did not say there were no mercenaries.
"This is a war fought in large part by mercenaries."
In "large part"?? I think not. It is being fought by hundreds of thousands of men and women who have CHOSEN to become soldiers, whether in wartime, or peacetime. You would rather hundreds of thousands of young people-who DON'T want to be there-doing this job?? NO thank you.

Another thing, Jim, they ARE fighting for our freedoms and security. You would be wise to examine that. How do you think we hear about the planned attacks by people in Iraq. YES, in IRAQ. Do you realize how many attacks have been thwarted, because we are listening to their "chatter" OVER THERE???

I'm done here, trying to deal with these misguided and uninformed opinions.

Maebee said...

You two are so funny; as soon as one issue is addressed, you intertwine more, seems like just for argument's sake.

Broede's Broodings said...

Dear Anonymous:

From my perspective, I am right and you are wrong. From your perspective, you are right and I am wrong. I doubt that either one of us will convince the other that he/she is wrong. As for Skericheri, it's nice to see she's on the right side. With me. So, you are outvoted 2-1. The majority wins. We are right and you are wrong. --Jim Broede

Broede's Broodings said...

You are the funny one, Maebee. You always make me laugh. --Jim Broede

Anonymous said...

Anonymous--- By suggesting that you might be smoking trash, I meant to give you the benefit of the doubt. I should have merely stated that you were grossly uninformed or exaggerated like so many others and used that old stand by phrase 'spewing hate' used by others to describe criticism or a lack of approval. Would have loved to have called you stupid...but your emotionally based Jingoistic comment made excellent reading and made your intelligence obvious.

Unlike Jim, I believe in war...Wars fought for the right reasons. The war in Afghanistan (because of the obvious 9/11 connection) was tolerable to me as long as we were committed to giving the country our full attention and working to make the country a future show place for democracy...In the same way that Berlin and West Germany served as beacons for democracy. One of my reasons for being against the conflict in Iraq is that it appears to have taken precedence and ruined that hope. Unfortunately, I can’t be one of those ‘My country...Right or wrong’ type of Americans.

You and I are different...We probably have entirely different views as to why our troops are in Iraq. As far as I am concerned they are there because our president got a wild hair going against Iraq and Saddam Hussein, convinced others that they were a nuclear threat...and because...The country was full of Muslims they must have had something to do with the 9/11 attack and presented a threat to US.

We could also debate the meaning of the word ‘large’ in the sentence until the cows came home: "This is a war fought in large part by mercenaries." Personally I would like to avoid a debate over the general meaning of the word ‘mercenary’ because I have a connection to the recent high school graduate that enlisted because of the $29,000 MOS bonus (That is way more than 2 times his annual rate of pay as a new recruit). I will say that...He considers his term in the military to be nothing but a job...A stepping stone to better things. In a few of months he will be sent to Iraq and....While he is there the only ass that he will have any interest in protecting will be his own.

I can’t blame him or any others. With the federal minimum wage sitting at $6.55 an hour ($13,624 per year) the $29,000 and the chance at more ($40,000 maximum total) on top of soldering pay and training would tempt many economically disadvantaged individuals.

The fact that one of the best countries in the world appears to be building a volunteer army that largely consists of those who have the least is what sticks in my craw. People in general are more tolerant of wars that their children and grand children do not have to fight in. Bringing back the draft would make the burden of war be carried by everyone.

As far as the value of the intelligence ‘chatter’ being gleaned by our soldiers ‘over there’ (Iraq I assume) preventing attacks here...I doubt it...but... am too polite to ask you to prove it.