Sunday, December 30, 2007

God isn't a stickler when it comes to spelling...

Funny thing. Some of the snob ladies perceive me as an atheist. The devil incarnate. Because I am a free-thinker. I believe in god. But I am not a Christian per se. They think I'm a heathen. Because I would dare to suggest that I could sit down with Jesus in a tavern and have a beer with him, and that we'd hit it off. And they think it's blasphemy that I'm able to have conversations with god. I tell them that god is my buddy. And they think that's not showing proper respect. The fact that I spell god with a lower case "g." That really annoys the ladies, too. And I simply tell them that god doesn't mind in the least bit. That god isn't a stickler when it comes to spelling and proper names and proper ways to address a deity. --Jim Broede

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