Sunday, December 30, 2007

That's how I think...and dream.

I think the spirit lives forever. Upon death, the spirit is released from the body. And the spirit soars. Into infinity. Into another dimension. Into Paradise. Can I prove it? Of course not. But it is what I want to believe. So I believe it. Because for me, it is what makes sense. God tells me it is true. And what if god is a figment of my imagination? Well, then I will still have created god. Inside me. My god has given me the ability to create my own reality. A reality permeated by love. Because I feel it. Therefore, there must be love. And there must be god. Otherwise, I would not be here to comprehend and grasp it. And at this very moment, my god is allowing me to love and be loved. Is that a figment of my imagination? Am I just living in a dream world? Well, it sure seems real to me. If this is a dream -- well, then thank god for the dream. That's how I think...and dream. --Jim Broede

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