Sunday, December 30, 2007

I'm addicted to bread dumplings.

Dumplings. Oh what memories. I remember my Aunt Martha in Chicago. I often stayed with her and Uncle Fred for weeks in the summertime when I was a teen-ager. Along with my brother Bruce. And we'd go to Chicago Cubs baseball games daily. Anyway, Aunt Martha would occasionally make Bohemian fruit dumplings. Dumplings with fruit inside. Might be peaches or apricots or prunes. And I loved them. She also got Bohemian kolaches (sweet rolls) at the local bakery on Cermak Road. And that's when I became a glutton. Now when I go to the Czech ethnic dinners at the Czech Hall in St. Paul they usually serve roast pork, sauerkraut with caraway seeds and bread dumplings. I often persuade one of the cooks to sell me a loaf or two of the dumplings, and then I freeze them and supplement my home-cooked meals with the dumplings. I'm addicted to bread dumplings. --Jim Broede

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