Sunday, December 30, 2007

The snob ladies just don't get it.

I learned so much in the nursing home. With Jeanne. I thought it would be hell. Instead, we made something of it. In some sense of the word, it was a little paradise. I learned so much there in those 38 months and one day. I learned how to better love. Not only Jeanne. But other Alzheimer patients. And I even learned to love myself better. And to love life better. To really appreciate what I have. To really appreciate having Jeanne for that extra time. To be able to find new ways to reach Jeanne. And to love Jeanne. I tell the snob ladies that the time I had with Jeanne in the nursing home daily was precious time. It made me a better human being. And the snob ladies tell me that makes me sick. That I should deplore that time. Well, I guess I am telling the snob ladies that in some ways, I was able to turn the Alzheimer's experience into a blessing. And they say for me to do that, I must have a sick mind. That I could actually find happiness in caring for Jeanne. The snob ladies just don't get it. --Jim Broede

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