Sunday, December 30, 2007

Why bother myself with tomorrow?

If I think 20 years ahead, I see no future for myself. I will not be living. At least not in the physical sense. Maybe even in 10 years or less. Even tomorrow, I may be dead. There's that possibility. That is, if I choose to think about it. And what it does, it takes me away from living today. Knowing today that I am in love. And that makes me happy, and content. But if I choose to dwell on what life may be like 5 years from now, I start to contemplate all the possible scenarios. Good ones. Bad ones. But if I'm focused only on today, I only feel good. Because that's how I feel now. I'm living good. In love. Sure, tomorrow there's a chance I won't feel good. But why bother myself with tomorrow? --Jim Broede

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