Saturday, January 26, 2008

...addicted to exercise.

I'm funny. I have this tendency to want to go out in the cold and walk at least a few miles. Even when I have a cold. I think it's that I am addicted to exercise. Oh, I'll try to walk back and forth in the house, too. Rather than outdoors. But I'm sure I'll sneak outdoors for a while. Cold or no cold. Fortunately, it isn't bitter cold. We are getting a little bit of a thaw. But on Tuesday afternoon, another Arctic blast is to come in. And the temperature will dip to 15 below zero by Wednesday morning. --Jim Broede


Synchronicity said...

oh my...that IS cold. it is good to get out and about but in that temp it might be dangerous.

i love exercise too...doing things you like to do...i like to ride my bike mostly.

Broede's Broodings said...

The cold, Merelyme, really isn't dangerous if you dress for it. Then it can be exhilerating. And it makes one appreciate the warm days even more. For instance, after 15 below, 15 above seems warm. Like pleasant relief. A little like the relief Sisyphus got. After pushing his boulder up the hill, only to have it slip away and roll back down, Sisyphus enjoyed the trek down the hill to fetch the rock again. A little relaxation, a little respite, makes for an enjoyable life. Overall. In the grand scheme of things. --Jim Broede