Wednesday, January 23, 2008

...and I'll be in Paradise.

Yesterday, I got wrapped up on a spending spree. I spent $120. On bargain CDs. So many I couldn't pass up. Classical music. And relaxing music. Celestial music. Music that one might play while practicing yoga or meditating. I brought home a boxful of CDs. Oh, I have more CDs -- thousands --than I can listen to in a lifetime. I am naughty. I indulge myself too much. In the collection of books and CDs. It is shameful, I suppose. But it makes me happy to be surrounded by books and music. Now all I need is my true love with me...and I'll be in Paradise. --Jim Broede

1 comment:

laughingwolf said...

a most idyllic scene, jim...

i'd be happy in similar circumstances, but would add my art supplies to the list... oh, and my honey's dogs