Wednesday, January 23, 2008

I'm never sure that I have got it right.

I think good writers take their own experiences and expand on them and learn from them and do variations on them to make for good stories. And they take real people in their lives and use them to some degree to form characters. They put their imaginations to work. And really, much of reality is just an expanded imagination. Sometimes, it's really difficult to differentiate between reality and unreality. So much of what I see as real is no more than my interpretation of life. And I'm never sure that I have got it right. --Jim Broede

1 comment:

laughingwolf said...

it's 'right' if it feels so, to YOU

as for writing, we cannot but add a bit of ourselves to every character we create, be it protagonist or antagonist, else it would ring untrue, both to the reader and to ourselves....