Wednesday, January 2, 2008

I want my best years to be still ahead.

I'm looking for Paradise. Right here on Mother Earth. And I kind of like this idea of a country off the beaten track. Not a world power. Just a little Paradise. Where maybe people live in a relatively slow and leisurely manner. The way life should be lived. Much better than a hectic pace. Just being able to sit down and savor the day. In a tranquil setting. With a loved one. That's all I need in life, really. And so many of us choose the rat race. Sort of sad, isn't it? But we have choices. We can choose to slow down. And we can even choose to fall in love. I'm 72. And I want to spend the rest of my life living at a pace where I can reflect about the wonder of it all. And taste more love, too. Before it's too late. I'm in a position to do that. Retired. Not rich. But not poor either. Able to afford a decent life. Still able to love. To feel alive. And in love. I am blessed to have lived this long. And still have the opportunity to appreciate and enjoy life in my waning years. I've lived most of my life. But I want my best years to be still ahead. And I think they will be. If I keep living fully, a day at a time. --Jim Broede

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