Tuesday, January 1, 2008

I'd rather go there than to California.

We've had snow overnight. Maybe an inch or two. A wet snow that sticks to the tree limbs and branches. So everything is coated white. A fresh white. Makes everything look a little like a snow scene out of Dr. Zhivago. It's a heavy snow. Which means that it weighs down the branches on the evergreens. Snow seems so appropriate for the holiday season. I remember the three years I lived in Fliorida. And it seemed so strange to have Christmas without snow. But I compensated, I guess. By going to the beach. In my swim trunks. And probably getting more sun than I needed. I adjusted. But I think one reason I returned to the North was because I missed the contrast, the sharp change in seasons. I needed snow and cold again. Funny, that my brother Bruce thrives in just the opposite type climate. He has lived for many, many years in California, in the Los Angeles area, and he seems to like it. Would you believe that I have never set foot in California? I've probably been in 40-some of our 50 states. But I've never traveled to California. Strange, isn't it? I've had no overwhelming desire to visit the West Coast. I also have never been to Alaska and Hawaii. I'd rather go there than to California. --Jim Broede

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