Wednesday, January 23, 2008


I keep getting back to the notion of forgiveness. If I have been wronged here on Earth, and I some how get to Paradise, I'd be so happy that Paradise exists, that I'd even ask god to forgive everyone. Sinner and non-sinner alike. I'm a sly one, I guess. Because I committed my share of wrongs. We all have, I think. To varying degrees. Other than maybe someone who died before he/she had an opportunity to live. Could well be there isn't a non-sinner amongst us. So, where do we draw the cut-off line?

Assuming that everyone in Paradise is automatically permeated upon entry by an overwhelming feeling of love and forgiveness. Even Hitler and his victims. Each and everyone. Hitler would fully and genuinely repent. He'd ask for forgiveness. And his victims, one by one, in acts of unconditional love, would truly forgive. And all would be peace and harmony. Yes, god's perfect world. Reason for god to smile down on everyone. Like a radiant ray of sunshine. And everybody lives happily ever after. God's kingdom has come. Hallelujah! --Jim Broede

1 comment:

laughingwolf said...

good thoughts, jim...