Friday, January 11, 2008

In this rhapsody of love.

I'm not sure that one is born with a sense of love. I'm trying to think of when I first had a real sense of it. I think that as a youngster, the notion was still beyond my comprehension. Maybe it wasn't until relatively late in life that I became absorbed with this notion. Maybe not until I met Jeanne. Almost 40 years ago. Oh, I had vague notions of love. But it was far more mental than emotional. It was kind of an intellectual or mindful understanding of love. A clinical understanding. Not with the required emotional depth. Jeanne helped me become a crazy lover. That's what one must do to truly even begin to understand love. One must be willing to go crazy. To lose one's self. Completely. And the paradox. That is how one finds one's true self. By losing one's self. In this rhapsody of love. --Jim Broede

1 comment:

Synchronicity said...

i like true. one of life's great paradoxes.