Sunday, January 13, 2008

Yes, I know how to fix a race.

I went walking along the road on which I live. Down Hayward Avenue. And that takes me to North Shore Circle, a circular street. And I take that to North Shore Trail, which is a main road. And that takes me to the other end of Hayward. The route is 2 miles. And I took it twice today. Sometimes, I see deer along the way. But not today. I saw 4 kids out walking, and just fooling around. I passed them up and told them they were slow pokes. And that I'd have 'em a race. Well, one of the kids sprinted ahead. Took up my challenge. I walked a ways with the kids. And then I told them I have the advantage because I'm the only one who knows the location of the finish line. Then I sprinted ahead. And just as I got past them, I announced, "I win. I just crossed the finish line." Yes, I know how to fix a race. --Jim Broede


Anonymous said...

Jim---You often have the ability to come up with a thought that makes me smile. This entry did just that.

The kids probably returned home shaking their heads...but...You did teach them a valuable lesson...'Don't play unless you know the rules'

Lisa Emrich said...

Yep...those who set the rules often win the race.