Wednesday, January 16, 2008

...instead of living happily today.

Ah, when we say love and intimacy can't last, we get too far ahead of ourselves. We start to worry about tomorrow and next week and next month and next year. And we imagine everything that could go wrong. It's like when I project 20 years ahead. Most likely, I'll be dead then. And my younger lover could be very much alive. The further one thinks ahead, the bleaker the future. That is the human condition. We spend today worrying about tomorrow. And therefore, we don't live today. Yes, I think that's the sad plight of humankind. We lament about the past and the future...instead of living happily today. --Jim Broede


Synchronicity said...

i do agree yet there is the other...dark side to this...that if you just live for today you might do dangerous and irresponsible things.

Broede's Broodings said...

I live to love, Merelyme. I don't think that's dangerous and irresponsible. Now, if I lived to hate -- well, that would be another thing. --Jim Broede