Sunday, January 27, 2008
Or else we'll meet in the OK Corral.
My friend Rosie's husband Dale has a Harley and I think it'd be a lark to go for a ride with him. I'd like to put on a Hell's Angel's black leather jacket, too. And wear the kind of sunglasses where you can't see my eyes. And maybe I'd go a week or two without shaving. And then I'd ride over to see the snob ladies that criticize me all the time. And spit tobacco juice at 'em. And tell 'em I'm a tough hombre and don't mix with me again. Or else we'll meet in the OK Corral. --Jim Broede
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Very sad that such a loving person speaks like you have in this comment. Sadly you have grouped those that ride a harley with this image. Your comments seem to do flip flops. Just who is the real Jim Broede? What does this person really stand for?
It may not be as sad you think, lilstarlight. My son-in-law rides a Harley. All over the country. He's a fine, clean-cut guy. A wonderful husband to my step daughter. And Rosie's husband, too. He's a fine fella. But I like to shove my tongue in cheek sometimes, and imagine myself as a desperado. As a tobacco-spitting, unshaven tough hombre. I think I could pull it off effectively in a movie. In a comedy. And I'd like to cast you, lilstarlight, as a heroine, of sorts. The one that ultimately makes a good man of me. And we'd laugh all the way to the bank when we pick up our awards for best actor and best actress. But first, let's start by not taking ourselves too seriously. Let's admit that we all have some good and some not-so-good in us. But most of all, let's enjoy our stay on Earth. --Jim Broede
Mr. Broede my husband and I also have Harley's and ride all over the country. You are free to choose to be the tuff guy, though I must say I find that "spitting tabacco juice" is in very bad taste. In the real world spitting is reason for a charge of assault and battery charge. With intent to cause harm. In the world we live in one must always watch what they say, and do.
Thank you so much for the offer for the casting position, although I must decline the offer. I have no interest in becoming an actress.
If you really knew me, lil starlight, you'd know I'm anything but a tough guy. And I wouldn't dream of putting chewing tobacco in my mouth. And maybe I've had a cigarette in my mouth only once or twice in my life. And that was just to be funny. To pretend that I know how to smoke. And yes, sometimes I like to pretend I'm a tough guy. But just for laughs. I'm really quite a gentleman. And a lover, too. And that's real. No pretend. --Jim Broede
I could see you in your black jacket and chaps on a bike.
My dale loves to ride and just relax with friends. He belongs to a club called Bikers for Babes.
Their hearts are in the right place as they do many good things for charity and children.
I do not believe you could chew and spit.. as you are to kind and are respectful to even those who do not understand us..
Jim let's never grow up as there is plenty of time to get old..and if you ever chose to buy a bike come by and ride with the guys as they would welcome you and I will sit on the porch and smile as all of you ride off.
My dale is also into taking very old cars and bringing them back to life..he and a couple of friends and it is amazing how beautiful they are when finished..a bit of the past..brought back..
Jim may you enjoy this chapter of your life my friend. Love Rosie
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