Wednesday, January 30, 2008

So much to enjoy.

I remember a time with Jeanne. In February. Maybe almost 10 years ago. And I heard rain falling on the roof. Imagine that. In Minnesota. Rain. In the middle of winter. And it sounded so good. So romantic. I can still see Jeanne. Sitting in a chair. A food tray on her lap. Eating. And it felt like Paradise. I don't know what it was. The rain? The pitter-patter. Why I remember that night, I don't quite know. I still think about that night. For no special reason. Just that some how that night got riveted in my mind. It was as if god wanted me to remember. So I keep retrieving that night. I took a shower that night, too. And water flowing off my body. It felt so good. I've taken many showers. Virtually every night. But that night in the shower. The rain. The shower. Jeanne. Maybe I was more alive than usual that night. Just aware. That I was alive. And happy. And blessed. That was all. Nothing special. Just another day. But so much to enjoy. --Jim Broede

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jim---Today was a 'nothing special' day for me also.

In the long run...I think that the 'nothing special' days define the fabric of our lives. They give us comfort and courage to face bad days as well as provide a measuring stick for 'special' days.

Like you did 10 years ago...I will go to bed feeling aware, alive, happy and blessed as well as loved. In all honesty...I can't ask for anything more.