Thursday, January 17, 2008

There is no other way.

My lover makes me think. Makes me dig deep into the core of my being. Helps me discover the goodness in life. Makes me examine my soul. Helps me cultivate a sense of love. I have been steered upon love for a purpose. To better understand the meaning of love. I need to be in love to understand love. There is no other way. --Jim Broede


laughingwolf said...

if you are able to fully understand love, you have moved way beyond my ability....

Broede's Broodings said...

No, laughing wolf, I won't ever fully understand love. But I won't stop trying. I like to pursue the impossible. Makes me feel alive. And in love. --Jim Broede

laughingwolf said...

i'm with you there... love brings out the best in me, but i try not to smother my dear one with it, not always successfully, but she understands and is not offended